Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Long time, no talkies!

Hello blog!

I have failed to update you for a long while, but as a staff multimedia photojournalist of the Times/Review NewsGroup, my work (written and visual) has been consistently published on the web at both

The Suffolk Times and The Riverhead News-Review websites

and of course, in the newspapers.

Occasionally, one of my pieces will make it onto The Shelter Island Reporter website or in the print version of The Reporter, but much less often than when I was a staff reporter there last year.

I regularly do the police report for The Suffolk Times, as well as write features and news, shoot video and photograph for both the Suffolk Times and News-Review, as well as write and photograph for our supplements, such as the Wine Press, the Vacation Guide, the senior sourcebook, Home and Gardening, Health & Fitness, etc.

A photograph of mine will actually be the cover of the upcoming Wine Press issue, which I'm very excited about! I hear that a synthesis of my cover stories about this year's harvest will also be featured in the magazine. We'll see!

I will try to remember you more often, blog.

You're a good man. Stay that way.

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