Monday, July 19, 2010

Coyote Hill Christian Children's Home for neglected and abused children

If you want to watch the video BIGGER, CLICK HERE

So, Christina Stiehl and I got out on the road at 8 am two days ago (Saturday) in order to get to the location of our article in Harrisburg and set-up early.

We snagged an interview with the organization head when we first arrived and then spent time switching off with the still camera and the marantz so that we could get interviews without losing out on visual opportunities.

The biggest challenge of the assignment is that we were NOT ALLOWED TO SHOOT ANY OF THE KIDS.

This, to me, was a total deal breaker.

"wait, we aren't allowed to take pictures of the kids," I asked Christina, "what are we even going to take pictures of now? Some adults standing around?"

Luckily, we were allowed to include them provided they weren't entirely identfiable. Score.

We were given a tour of one of the working homes by one of the house parents there, which was really exciting.

Both Christina and I would be incredibly interested in going back there and seeing the real dynamic of the households- perhaps even getting permission to stay over one night.

Apparently all house parents get one night off that they call "date night" and an overnight babysitter is brought in for the kids.

In any case, we definitely more than gathered enough content for our multimedia project.
Too much, in fact.

We came back to the newsroom at around 12:30 and weren't finished until late late late in the evening.

We didn't use many of the vertical shots we had because they needed to be resized individually in order to fit within the parameters of the program, but I still think that we produced a great multimedia piece.

I, personally, am enormously proud of the piece.

I put a painstaking amount of work into the editing.

Multimedia work is my favorite that exists within journalism.

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